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Complaints Handling and Conflict Resolution

Complaints Handling and Conflict Resolution

Complaints Handling and Conflict Resolution

School of Healthcare and Psychology

This course is designed to help healthcare professionals to ensure that, in an environment of best practice and continuous improvement, issues raised by patients are responded to appropriately and in a timely manner.

It highlights a complaint management process is in place and the responsibilities of healthcare professional in regard to preventing breakdowns in communication and handling conflicts.

Key Words: Communication, Complaints, Conflict, Managing, Handling


Course Code: HCP3L4901

Certified: YES

Level: 3

Credits: 2


Time: 2 Hours

Expiry: 2 YEARS

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course each student is expected to be able to:

A. Subject Knowledge and Understanding

  • LO 1. Understand what arrangements any healthcare organisation must have in place for complaints handling.
  • LO 2. Confidently know how to proceed when a complaint is made in order to recognise, investigate, and respond to complaints appropriately.
  • LO 3. Understand what arrangements any organisation healthcare must have in place for conflict resolution and how mediation works for conflict resolution.

B. Cognitive Skills (Thinking Skills)

  • LO 4. Understand why having an effective complaints process is important for all healthcare organisations.

  • LO 5. Develop an insight into why conflict situations can occur in healthcare settings.

  • LO 6. Recognize that conflict escalates predictably and that early intervention can often diffuse the situation.

C. Subject Specific Practical/Professional Skills

  • LO 7. Practice how avoiding and handling complaints.
  • LO 8. Practice how to be confident and recognise and intervene in developing conflict situations.

Curriculum Outline

The key themes covered by the course and their indicative weighing:

  • Complaints Handling (50%)
  • Conflict Resolution (50%)

Online Certificates

Students successfully completing their course and assessments will be entitled to a digital badge. A digital badge is a connected, verifiable electronic imagery credential which reflects the achievement of the learning outcomes on their course.

Students may read more information about digital badges at:

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