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Duty of Candour

Duty of Candour

Duty of Candour

School of Healthcare and Psychology

The duty of candour is your duty to be open and honest with the patients in your care or with those close to them if something goes wrong.

It also represents your duty to be open and honest with your organisation and to encourage a culture of learning by reporting negative incidents leading to harm, as well as near misses.

This course tells you how to behave and apologise in these situations, and gives you an overview of UK guides.

Key Words: Duty, Candour, honest, apologise, organisation, UK, guidance


Course Code: HCP3M2702

Certified: YES

Level: 3

Credits: 1


Time: 1 Hour

Expiry: 2 YEARS

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course each student is expected to be able to:

A. Subject Knowledge and Understanding

  • LO 1. Understand the meaning of duty of candour.

B. Cognitive Skills (Thinking Skills)

  • LO 2. Recognise situations in which it is necessary to speak with a patient about possible harm caused to him during treatment.
  • LO 3. Distinguish the various near misses to decide whether to deal with them with the patient or not.
  • LO 4. Recognise the extracts from GMC and NMC guidance.
  • LO 5. Distinguish the statutory duty of candour for care organisations across the UK.

C. Subject Specific Practical/Professional Skills

  • LO 6. Being able to apologise to the patient.

D. Other Skills (e.g. Key transferable)

  • LO 7. Encouraging a learning culture by reporting errors.

Curriculum Outline

The key themes covered by the course and their indicative weighing:

  • The professional duty of candour: guidance (55%)
  • The organisational duty of candour across the UK (45%)

Online Certificates

Students successfully completing their course and assessments will be entitled to a digital badge. A digital badge is a connected, verifiable electronic imagery credential which reflects the achievement of the learning outcomes on their course.

Students may read more information about digital badges at:

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